Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Annual Meeting,

followed by Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 18th May 2016

In Rushden Village Hall at 8.00pm


16/024   To elect the Chair for 2016/17

 16/025  To receive and accept apologies for absence

 16/026 Declarations of interest and dispensations

a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests

c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

16/027    To confirm the Minutes of Rushden and Wallington Annual Parish Council Meeting     

               held on 18 May 2015.  Chair to sign.


16/028  To consider the financial report for the year ending 31 March 2016 and to consider / approve

Section 1 of the Annual Return


16/029 To consider / approve Section 2 of the Annual Return


16/030  To confirm the position of  Responsible Financial Officer for 2016/17


16/031 To consider the updated Risk Assessment and Management Document


16/032 To review the Code of Conduct


16/033 To set provisional dates for meetings for the rest of the year




16/034  To receive and accept apologies for absence


16/035  Declarations of interest and dispensations

a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda

b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests

c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

16/036    To confirm the Minutes of Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting     

   held on 18 January 2016.  Chair to sign.


16/037   To receive a report from the District Councillor


16/038   To receive a report from the County Councillor


16/039   To consider adopting Standing orders for the Parish Council


16/040   To discuss requests from Wallington residents for a 20mph speed limit in the village


16/041   To consider whether to take out laptop insurance at a cost of £189.00 for 5 years


16/042   To consider whether to take advantage of a 5% saving on AON Insurance by agreeing to stick with

  AON for a minimum of three years at the same rate as the current year


16/043   To discuss planned expenditure for the installation of a defibrillator in each village


16/044   To consider adopting a process for the ongoing management of the defibrillators


16/045   To discuss the painting of Wallington’s phone box


16/046 To discuss the diversion of Rushden and Wallington FP22


16/047   To discuss whether it would be possible to seek financial assistance with ditch/culvert clearance

  and hedge cutting


16/048  To receive an update on the new Pensions Regulations


16/049   To consider transferring money from the current account to the savings account so that each

  village has a contingency of £1000 set aside in the savings account


16/050   To consider a request from Magpas Helicopter for a donation


16/051 To set dates for Parish Council meetings for the rest of the year


16/052 To suggest agenda items for the next meeting of the Parish Council