Rushden and Wallington Parish Council


Summary of the Minutes of Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting 14/09/15


Steve Jarvis, District Councillor, gave an update on the Local Plan.   The revised proposals are expected by the end of the year and there will be further consultation after that.  He reported that North Herts are still discussing the possibility of combining waste collection with East Herts to save on costs.  They are also hoping to move the Letchworth Waste disposal site to a more suitable location.


The drainage issues in Rushden and Wallington were discussed and also the damaged fence in Rushden.  There is some dispute over who has responsibility for the post and rail fence. This matter will continue to be pursued.  Ringwayare aware of the outstanding drainage issues and they are on their schedule for 2016/17.  Derek Jerrard, of Ringway,reminded everyone that any faults should be reported on-line to Herts County Council, or by phone on 0300 123 4047.  Frequent reports of an issue can push it higher up the priority list.   


Phone boxes - Chris Garrett reported that the maps of Rushden to go in the phone boxes are almost complete and will be available soon.

Kate Heath reported that she had found out that there was a possibility of being given two defibrillators, free of chargeby the Ambulance Trust, to put in the two phone boxes.  She is waiting to hear whether her request has been successful.  


The cost of grass cutting in Rushden churchyard is causing Rushden to eat into its contingency money and is notsustainable in the long term. It was agreed that Chris Garrett will talk to Chris Whitton to see if an agreement can be reached to share the cost with the Church.  


The drainage works in Wallington and payment of £360.00 (£300 covered by a grant) were unanimously agreed.


It was unanimously agreed to approve the signing of the lease of the land in Wallington and to approve payment of £930.00 to NHDC, once an invoice has been received.  Kate Heath proposed a vote of thanks to Chris Hill for his persistence with this issue.  All agreed.


It was unanimously agree to approve the siting of the Dog Waste Bin in Wallington.


An application for a Travellers’ site in Broadfield was discussed.  Chris Garrett reminded the meeting that the Parish Council had objected to a previous application to develop this site.  It was unanimously agreed that objections should be made to this new planning application.  It was resolved that Chris Garrett write a letter of objection on behalf of the Parish Council.  


The discontinuance of the Mobile Library Service was discussed.  The offer from library services ( to provide books so that villages can set up their own libraries) is being  passed on to both Village Hall committees for them to discuss.


The meeting closed at 10.05pm.

Rushden and Wallington Parish Council Meeting 

will be held on

Monday 14th September 2015 In Rushden Village Hall at 8.00pm

Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting.





15/036  To receive and accept apologies for absence

15/037 Declarations of interest and dispensations

a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for declarable interests
c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

15/038   To confirm the Minutes of the Rushden and WallingtonParish Council Meeting      

 held on 18 May 2015

15/039   To receive a report from the District Councillor.

15/040   To receive a report from the County Councillor.

15/041   To discuss the drainage issues in Rushden and Wallington.  Derek Jerrard, District Service Agent 

             (N.Herts & Stevenage) for Ringway will be in attendance and will speak at the meeting.

15/042   To receive information from the Clerk on the new regulations in the Transparency Code for smaller 


15/043   To receive information from the Clerk regarding Standing Orders.

15/044   To receive an update on the current position regarding pension provision.

15/045    To receive an update on the Audit Return and appointment of an auditor.

15/046   To receive an update on the two phone boxes.

15/047   To receive an update on Insurance.

15/048    To discuss the financial situation and to consider setting up a committee to discuss the issue of 

              the cost of grass cutting in Rushden.

15/049    To formally approve the drainage works in Wallington and payment of £360.00 (£300 cost, 

              covered by a grant, plus £60 VAT – which is reclaimable)

15/050    To approve the signing of the lease of the land in Wallington and to approve payment of £930.00 

              to NHDC.

15/051    To approve the siting of the Dog Waste Bin in Wallington.

15/052    To discuss the application for a Travellers’ site in Broadfield.

15/053    To discuss the Buntingford Community Neighbourhood Plan.

15/054    To discuss the discontinuance of the Mobile Library Service.

15/055    To consider a request for a grant from Herts Air Ambulance.

15/056   To set dates for Parish Council meetings for the rest of 2016.

15/057   To suggest agenda items for the next meeting of the Parish Council.