Rushden and Wallington Parish Council


Meeting Highlights May 2009

At the recent AGM and Parish Assembly meetings, some residents requested that dog bins should be installed in Rushden as the number of dogs, and their deposits, has increased significantly and is now something of a nuisance.

After some discussion, it was decided that 2 bins were needed in order to be available to most dog walkers. A grant has been obtained for the cost and installation of one of them. The bins will be emptied each week.

The bins are now in place and all dog owners are asked to make use of them. One will be found on the village green next to the footbridge into Capt. James’ meadow. The other is on the roadside next to the footpath just above The Maples.


At the AGM, Linda Hill was elected to be Chairman for the forthcoming year. Thanks go to Frank Randall for being the Chair for the last year.


Problems with the drainage through Rushden continue. Highways have now said they will jet the drains upstream of The Oaks to clear a blockage. The Parish Council will keep pressing for proper repairs.


Proposed changes to the aircraft stacking arrangements which would affect local residents have been withdrawn and there will be a new consultation process starting soon.


The accounts for 2008/9 were approved.


The Parish Council will look into providing dog bins in Rushden as some residents feel there is too much mess left lying on footpaths in the area. All dog-owners are kindly asked to clean up after their pet(s).


At the Parish Assemblies, the additional traveller sites proposed on the outskirts of Buntingford were discussed. The Parish Council has objected to these sites.


Problems with the junction of the old A505 with Station Road and Clothall Road in Baldock were flagged up to Steve Jarvis, our District Councillor as there is confusion resulting from the Give Way sited immediately after the Pelican Crossing.


The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 8 July at 8pm in Wallington Village Hall. Paul Marina from the Police will be attending and residents are welcome to bring any concerns with local policing and/or crime they may have to that meeting.  

Date of Next Meeting: 7 October 2009, 8pm, Rushden Village Hall

Meeting Highlights 11 February 2009


At the last meeting on 11 February, James Hodge and his planning consultant outlined the planning application by Cumberlow Compost site to build further clamps for in-vessel composting to allow the site to accept kitchen waste from East Herts as well as North Herts. He stressed that this did not represent an increase in the size of the operation, rather a change in method which may help reduce the smell emanating from the site as there will be far less open air composting.


The application to build a soil bund around the grain store in Southern Green has been referred to the County Council.


Other topics discussed were the drainage problems through the centre of Rushden, in Mill End between the Julians drive and the Mill House, and in Wallington. Recent heavy rain has exacerbated the problem, but there has been little action to make proper repairs. Steve Jarvis, our District Councillor, was asked to pursue the matter on our behalf.


The next meeting dates are:


Annual General Meeting: Wednesday 29 April 2009, 8pm, Rushden Village Hall

Rushden Parish Assembly: Wednesday 6 May 2009, 8pm, Rushden Village Hall

Wallington Parish Assembly: Wednesday 13 May 2009, 8pm, Wallington Village Hall