Rushden and Wallington Parish Council


Highlights of the Meeting held on 17 October 2007

The Parish Council was represented at the Stansted Expansion Enquiry where the noise and visual intrusion on the villages of both Luton and Stansted Airport traffic was emphasised.


Further road and drainage repairs in Rushden are expected to be scheduled for December. Plans for resurfacing the road from Cumberlow Green to Slip End are not known, but men in yellow jackets with measuring wheels and spray paint have been spotted in recent days.


Contractors and their equipment appear to have left just before completing the water main renewal in Wallington. Explanations are being sought!


2 Parish Councillors will attend a briefing session at North Herts District Council in November on the identification of potential areas to accommodate Gypsy and Traveller pitches.


Bring your Christmas tree to Rushden Village Hall car park on 5 January 2008, where, in return for a donation to St Mary’s Rushden, your tree will be shredded.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 January 2008 at 8pm in Wallington Village Hall. All members of the public are welcome.


The Parish Council approved the Annual Return for 2006/7 and adopted the Model Code of Conduct.


The Baldock Bypass has made traffic at the A505 junction at Slip End noticeably faster and more continuous. Ways of improving safety at this junction are being considered, eg speed cameras and/or speed limits.


Recycling collections will include steel and aluminium cans from 15 October 2007. From this date, the black wheelie bins will only be emptied on a fortnightly basis. The rule about no food waste in the brown compost bins will continue for a while after this change until an in-vessel compost unit is available. Plastic collection points are being set up around the district, but there will not be a kerbside collection.


The Parish Council is being represented at the Stansted Enquiry.


The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 17 October at 8pm in Rushden Village Hall. All members of the public are welcome.

 1. Water main Renewal Presentation
8kms of iron pipes to be replaced between Kelshall, Sandon and Rushden(Mill End). Work due to start in June for approx 16 weeks. Hours of work 8.30am to 4.30pm (sometimes 8am to 8pm). Road closures and supply interruptions to be announced via notices and website. John Dingemans will co-ordinate the information.
2 Chris Garrett was elected Chairman for the forthcoming year.
3 Planning.
Land next to the Plough. Wallington is now being sold after Greene King lost their Planning appeal.
Application received from North Barn, Southern Green.
4 Highways.
Meeting with Area Engineer and County Councillor on May 3rd. Problems of traffic management, uncleared tarmac and drainage to be discussed.
5 District Councillor, Steve Jarvis
NHDC has given funding for half the cost of new kerbing at Church Green. Rest will be paid for by Green Trustees.
In response to local concerns, Pc Marina is increasing number of speed checks.
Access onto the A505 at Slip End is now more difficult and dangerous due to the continuous flow of the bypass traffic and Steve will look into possibility of a speed limit on that section.
6 Footbridge
Footpath Officer to be contacted for repairs to footbridge near village hall, Rushden. Bus Shelter is also in need of urgent repair.
7 Next Meetings
Rushden Parish Assembly May 8th at 8pm.
Parish Council Meeting July 17th, 8pm at Wallington.

Meeting 24th April 2007

At the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 27th April we were given information about the forthcoming road closure due to repair of drains. We hope to be able to kep villagers informed about what is happening. Steve Jarvis our District Councillor was there and you can see his answers to some of the questions raised on other local subjects on Village Discussions.


8th May 2007 Rushden Parish Assembly.

Meeting 27th March 2007


Discussion and explanation of Cumberlow Green composting plans.

20th February 2007 at Wallington


County councillor Tony Hunter- discussion on highway road and verge repairs. Planning – possible condition for off road parking for building works .

Aircraft. – increased activity, to be monitored but is within permitted rights.

District councillor Steve Jarvis, funding for repairs of Church Green verge.


Potholes have been repaired but verges, drains and fallen trees still need attention.