Plant Sale - Saturday 26 May 2001

26th May 2001, the South Chilterns Group held their Annual Plant Sale. This year it was at the Borlase Hall in Beaconsfield again, just behind Waitrose. We had tried the Fitzwilliam Hall in Beaconsfield last year, but although it was a lovely venue the Borlase Hall is a lot more central and attracts many more visitors.
John May makes a sale. Many of he plants had been purchased from a disabled group in Maidenhead on a sale or return basis. This group also supplied the Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council with plants for their Parks Department.

Mike Gethin has a plant stand outside selling shrubs that he has propagated himself.

Church Farm Plants supported us again. The have a wonderful selection of very unusual perennials.

John May had made a selection of 'vegetable' cakes, including parsnip, beetroot and courgette. They were available as a trial tasting to encourage people to grow vegetables and use them in a different way.

Richard and Barbara Gold with plants Richard has grown himself, including yellow, cherry tomatoes and globe courgette.