Bogus callers are part of a highly organised, professional criminal fraternity. They pose as utility workers, trades people, police officers and sometimes even charity workers. They come in all shapes and sizes: men, women, working singly or in pairs – sometimes-even children have been used in the deception. They come in all shapes and sizes, but what they all share are an ability to convince an older person on the doorstep that they have a genuine reason to enter the home. Once inside the home they will use a ruse to distract the older person’s attention, whilst they or an unseen accomplice search the home for money and valuables to steal. This type of crime is not petty and can result in perpetrators netting hundreds of thousands of pounds from their victims. The below examples represent a wide selection of scams used both in the UK, Europe & America & are divided into distraction burglary & rogue trader scams. It should be noted that rogue traders would take any opportunity to commit a distraction theft should the opportunity arise.

Water Scams

·        "I'm from the Water Board & am here to check the pipes"

·        "I need to check the water/turn the water off (I'm laying pipes up the road)"

·        "The water is unfit for drinking. I need to come in & check it”

This is the top scam used in the country despite the fact that the ‘Water board’ ceased to exist in 1989 and water companies rarely make house calls. Once inside, the bogus caller asks the victim to go upstairs / into the kitchen & turn on the taps – thus distracted – the bogus caller / accomplice then is free to search the home for money / valuables. Front door invariably left open for accomplice to slip in un notic


·        "There has been a gas leak in the area. I need to come in & check your supply"

·        "I have come to read your meter"

As with the water scam above, this ruse gives the bogus caller a method to distract attention. This leaves them / an accomplice free to search the home for money / valuables.