Peggy Warner's Memoirs

When War broke out Peggy went to work at what was then Kayser Bondor (now Tesco ) making valves. She would get there and back by bike, the standard form of transport in the country.

She remembers her worst day as being when the doodle bugs came over and they were sent down to the shelter in the cellars. (Still there I am told!) She sat there all day with no food and no drink and because they were not working NO PAY. It was considered to be the best shelter in Hertfordshire because it was so strong.

Peggy’s father was the village milkman and also sold eggs. The ration was one egg a week but Peggy remembers Alice Chapman (Sue’s grandmother) saying  “I don’t want one this week, I’ve got one left over!” He also did the Sandon milkround and when he generously gave an extra pint to someone who was ill ended up going to court. He put it down to jealous neighbours.

There were plenty of fruit trees in their garden and they grew their own vegetables in addition to producing their own milk and eggs and keeping pigs. Peggy remembers her mother buying a sack of flour in when the War started but it didn’t last the War.