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Enid Blyton's House

(28 June 2007)

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It was during a very wet Wimbledon first week that the visit to Enid Blyton's House, Old Thatch, at Bourne End in Buckinghamshire took place. However, the rain stayed away and we found a lovely thatched cottage with a beautiful garden to match on the edge of the Thames. On coming through the gate there was a real cottage garden feel with a mass of plants jostling each other. 

The First Sight of Old Thatch

On going round the corner of the house the style changed dramatically to a formal path running along the side of the house. The path was flanked with formal box hedges in rectangles with white cosmos in the centre of the rectangles. Behind there were beautifully clipped yew trees, which gave a formal look to this part of the garden. 

The Formal Walkway

Continuing on the garden took on a less formal look with lots of hidden secret corners everywhere, with a surprise round each, little ponds, surrounded by plants and ferns, along with walkways and arches of flowers and lovely shrubs. There was a little bit of formality in that the edges of the lawns were beautifully clipped and Jackie Hawthorne, the owner with her husband David, checked that no one was standing on the edge and destroying it.  

A Hidden Pond

Having gone round the gardens we then met at the back of the house where we were able to sit outside and were given a glass of wine and nibbles. The nibbles were much more than we had expected and were a wonderful surprise. They were not just crisps and peanuts, but cooked nibbles. One which was particularly different was slices of sweet potatoes that had been put under the grill and then topped with a secret topping, which resembled  a mayonnaise type dip, but tasted fantastic.

Sitting Down for Wine and Nibbles

David and Jackie had only opened their garden to the public four years ago although they had never planned to do this. Everyone was very glad that they had as it gave them opportunity to have a very enjoyable evening in the tranquility of such a lovely place.